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Anxiety Disorders: What are their Main Symptoms in the Mind and Body?

Anxiety Disorders: What are their Main Symptoms in the Mind and Body?

August 17, 2022

It's a common thing in stressful situations from life itself to feel anxious. When this anxiety occurs occasionally, it'll probably leave without leaving behind a deep physical or mental mark.

However, sometimes, we might find ourselves overthinking about bad things that we feel that are just onto us. Perhaps this worry isn't even about some kind of danger, but it's just triggered by regular everyday activities and situations. This may be a case of Anxiety Disorders.

If not treated, these Anxiety Disorders can become a greater problem and worsen little by little. Of course, this ends up affecting every single aspect of someone's life: from school to work, from family dynamics to personal and professional relationships. These are some of the most common Anxiety Disorders' symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic:


This is probably the most common expression of anxiety: the lack of self control to stand still. When you feel like you have to be moving around.


These are also referred to as irrational fears. They can include phobias (like the aversion to specific animals or heights, for instance), but also the uneasy feeling about getting late for something, facing something scary or frightening, or simply getting hurt. These can trigger Panic Attacks.


Intense sweating, an increased heart rate, and hyperventilation (breathing rapidly) are all signs of a Panic Attack. Although these are triggered by irrational fears, they can have very physical and real consequences.


Agitation is a common reaction in our bodies and minds whenever we feel like we are about to experience something really, really bad.


Being tired all the time does not always mean you have anxiety, but when it adds up to other symptoms in the list, it's important to keep an eye on it.


Since anxiety can make our minds go places we don't feel safe about, this can also affect our ability to focus on even the simplest of tasks. And then, it becomes so worrying that it starts to interfere with our daily lives. This is when the red flags rise truly high.


These can include insomnia, lack of sleep, inability to stay asleep or constantly waking up during sleeping hours.


From headaches to stomachaches, our bodies react to the fears that trigger anxiety. These aches and pains are usually the result of intense and severe trouble of the mind.

Within our Kosmic Dust Community, we always care for each other. Check out our products in the online store, since some of them can help you prevent anxiety by clearing your mind and allowing you to concentrate and focus.

It is also important to remember that this is not a self-diagnosis checklist. But if you consider you might be experiencing Anxiety Disorders, it's always the best idea to get professional help, as that is the only way you can overcome them.

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