Best Healthy Foods to Make You Feel Fuller for Longer
Diana VazquezShare
It happens all the time: you’re trying to stay in shape, so you exercise often and also decide to eat properly, you also sleep right and even take a time off a few times a day justo to declutter your mind. But, sometimes you just feel hungry out of the blue!
In order to help you cross those dangerous waters and reach the next level safely, we’ve compiled the knowledge you’re seeking. Keep reading to learn some of the best foods that can make you feel satisfied for longer.
An apple a day not only keeps the doctor away —as old grandmas like to say, but it also hides a quite useful secret: they take a while to eat. Since you eat it slowly, it can signal your body to feel full in a very effective way. It doesn’t hurt that apples contain plenty of fiber and pectin, a compound that slows digestion.
This one is a blast of protein like no other. For those who have chosen to go vegan or vegetarian, quinoa is the best way to keep hunger out of sight. Mix it up with some veggies and you’ll have a healthy snack that not only makes you feel full but also gives you plenty of energy.
Sometimes a sandwich is easier to make for breakfast or lunch, but if you switch it up a little and get an egg instead, you won’t get hungry that soon. Eggs are another excellent source of protein and you can also use them in several recipes, according to your preferences.
And you know what goes perfectly with eggs on a toast for a healthy lunch? That’s right! Avocado. It will definitely fill you because it’s choked with proteins and good fats, but also comes with its own bounty of fiber. Why are we trying to convince you? This one is delicious and most likely you already love it.
Fruits are some of your best allies when eating right. And almost any fruit you can think of goes great with Cottage Cheese. Make sure you mix this type of cheese with some fresh fruits like strawberries, grapes, kiwis or even bananas. You’ll get an energy boost without having to worry too much about calories.
Oatmeal is an absolute treat (when fixed in a cool way, at least). Forget about the packaged one and go for the natural version of it. All you have to do is let it soak in water during the night and you’ll have the perfect base for a satisfying breakfast in the morning. It won’t need sugar or other additives as long as you mix it with some fruit, walnuts or a bit of almonds.
And just in case all of the above fail to satisfy your hunger and you still feel like there’s a void in your stomach, then head to our Kosmic Dust Online Store and look for Applesmash, the digestive aid you’ve been looking for because it will make you feel satisfied for longer while actually improving your insulin function and activate your body for it to detox itself more efficiently.
Got any other ideas about foods that put hunger to rest? Do you have a success story regarding our supplements and products? Share them along our Social Media and let the Kosmic Dust keep growing strong!