Join the Kosmonaut Program and earn the benefits from Kosmic Dust
Diana VazquezShare
Kosmic Dust is now unlocking the next level for our community with the Kosmonaut Program. Our affiliate marketing program allows you to get some serious cash for yourself while doing what you already love: gaming.
The Kosmonaut Program is designed for streamers who share their content within the online gaming community and want to earn money from selling the Kosmic Dust products.
If you haven't heard of affiliate marketing programs, you may wonder what they are. This kind of marketing tool, just like the Kosmonaut Program, lets the affiliates (that means you!) earn a commission by promoting the products in our store.
Affiliate programs are a great way to earn extra income. They also adapt to your time and resources, making them practical if you are already building a platform or community.
Whether you're a full-time streamer or just do it at a lower scale, we have different options for you, which also vary in the range of gold you can get from joining the Kosmonaut Program.
The whole referring part is super easy as you'll do it with your friends, family, and audience and your own style and voice. Since nobody knows your audience better than yourself, we're sure you already know how to reach out to them.
It's all as simple as getting to know the offers in our online store, promoting them to other people that share your passion for gaming and are interested in being a part of our Kosmic Tribes, and earning money every time someone gets one of our great products!
And, according to your affiliate level, you can even receive additional special offers, rewards and bonuses for yourself or your audience.
For more information on the Kosmonaut Program, visit https://ambassadors.kosmicdust.com.