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TOP 6 Most Useful Websites for Productivity and Time Management

TOP 6 Most Useful Websites for Productivity and Time Management

September 06, 2022

Are you prepared to start that special project you've been rolling your head around for some time or are you looking for a simple solution to tackle a specific task?

Check these websites out and prepare to be amazed by the endless possibilities tech has to offer nowadays! And if you haven't already, make a quick stop by our Online Store, where you can get our focus boost supplements Flozone (it'll take your productivity to the next level!), among some other cool products and Kosmic Dust Merch.


Need something that can help you organize yourself and the activities you have ahead, but also let you save those glorious moments of inspiration? Say no more! Notion is the perfect tool for project management and note taking that you can find for free these days. Guaranteed!


Not everything has to be work, work, work. Pomofocus is based on the Pomodore Time Management System and offers you a timer for you to maximize your productivity by working but ALSO by taking breaks every once in a while. This is definitely the best!


As its name clearly states, here you can find an open source alternative to the most popular and common proprietary software. We're quite sure you'll get that job done in no time without having to pay a dime.


Got a file in the wrong format? Never again with TinyWow, which can convert basically any document, image, video or file into the format you need or you're looking for. Check it out!


Bring your online business or creative outlet by learning what you need from your audience or clients. This website has tons of pre-formatted forms that will make your life easier and your work more productive.


This website allows you to create bots to do pretty much anything. Remember all of those repetitive website actions you have to perform everyday (manage an Amazon or Etsy store, fill forms and formats, load actions for tiktok or Twitter, or almost whatever you can think of) and forget all about them with axiom.ai. 

Got any other special tips or tricks about useful websites? What are you waiting for? Share them around with our Kosmic Dust Community on social media.

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